Watch the following videos for FREE
SAP Security Training How to setup what can be changed in Child System
SAP Transactions for Securing Custom Programs
Watch the following videos for FREE
SAP Security Training How to setup what can be changed in Child System
SAP Transactions for Securing Custom Programs
Here is the Procedure to Update your SAP Kernel
Stop all R/3 Processes and the Database
% stopsap all
Stop SAPOSCOL process
% saposcol -d
Stop ListnerControl process by logging in as ora user
%lsnrctrl stop
Download Kernel Patches
Copy Them to a directory on Central Instance
Backup Your Old Kernel (by renaming it or moving it)
uncar the downloaded files
After that restart your services in following order
Some-times we need to send a specific message to specific user in SAP which is not possible by using SM02..SO here is the trick to do it :
Use function module TH_POPUP
goto Transaction code SE37 enter the function module name & test run it
the the resulting screen is shown below, type the details and execute.
The user must be logged into the system to receive the message
2. copy the SAR file to the new folder
3. run sapcar -xvfSAPEXEDB* (database dependent)4. run sapcar -xvf SAPEXE_* (database independent)Step 3 and 4 are to extract the kernel5. stop SAP console6. stop SAP service7. stop SAPoscol service8. remove the SAPEXEDB___.SAR and SAPEXE__.SAR from the new kernel folder 9. copy everything from the new kernel folder to E:usrsapNote, Don't forget the backup before upgrade.
Importing a SPAM/SAINT Update
A SPAM/SAINT Update (SPAM update for short) contains updates and improvements to Support Package Manager and Add-On Installation Tool. There is always one SPAM update for each release.
The latest SPAM update is also available in SAP Support Portal, under
Make sure you always have the most recent version of SPAM update before importing Support Packages or Installation Packages.
You can only import a SPAM update if there are no terminated packages in the system.
A dialog box informs you if there are any terminated packages. You then have two options:
? Import the entire queue to begin with and then the SPAM update.
? Delete the queue, import the SPAM update, then import the queue.
You can only delete the queue if module Import 1 has not yet started (up to phase SCHEDULE_RDDIMPDP).
1. Call Support Package Manager (transaction SPAM).
2. Check if the SPAM update offered is newer than the one in your system.
3. To import the most recent SPAM update, choose Support Package ® Import SPAM update.
SPAM updates are automatically confirmed once they have been imported.
AcceleratedSAP methodology is proven, repeatable and successful approach to implement SAP solutions across industries and customer environments.
It provides content, tools and expertise from thousands of successful implementations.
Phase 1: Project Preparation :
During this phase the team goes through initial planning and preparation for SAP project.
Define project goals and objectives
Clarify the scope of implementation
Define project schedule, budget plan, and implementation sequence
Establish the project organization and relevant committees and assign resources
Phase 2: Business Blueprint
The purpose of this phase is to achieve a common understanding of how the company intends to run SAP to support their business. Also, to refine the original project goals and objectives and revise the overall project schedule in this phase. The result is the Business Blueprint, a detailed documentation of the results gathered during requirements workshops.
Phase 3: Realization:
The purpose of this phase is to implement all the business process requirements based on the Business Blueprint. The system configuration methodology is provided in two work packages: Baseline (major scope); and Final configuration (remaining scope). Other key focal areas of this phase are conducting integration tests and drawing up end user documentation.
Phase 4: Final Preparation:
The purpose of this phase is to complete the final preparation (including testing, end user training, system management and cutover activities) to finalize your readiness to go live. The Final Preparation phase also serves to resolve all critical open issues. On successful completion of this phase, you are ready to run your business in your live SAP System.
Phase 5: Go Live & Support:
The purpose of this phase is to move from a project-oriented, pre-production environment to live production operation. The most important elements include setting up production support, monitoring system transactions, and optimizing overall system performance.
Watch the following video and post your comments.
Sorry, I could not read the content fromt this page.You want to record the activities of users in the system.
You are looking for different possibilities to log user activities in the SAP system, among other things to
In the standard SAP System, extensive functions exist for logging user activities and changes to the system.You must use them selectively to record the required data specifically, and at the same time to facilitate their efficient evaluation and utilization. When you log user activities you must generally note that
Existing data protection laws are not violated (for example, German Data Protection Act). In certain cases, recording is only permitted when approved by the data protection officer and an employee representative and is additionally subject to the regulations of a company agreement.
Large datasets can develop very quickly whose storage and evaluation require considerable operating funds which can reach the limits of practical feasibility.
In the overview, the following functions are displayed in the standard SAP System:
Logging table changes:
Logging table changes for Customizing is activated via the profile parameters rec/client. In the standard system tables that must be logged are marked for logging. Customer-specific settings are possible via Transaction SE11:
Tools --> ABAP Workbench --> Dictionary --> Database table --> Technical settings
Transaction SCU3 can be used for evaluation.
(see R/3 Online help: BC ABAP Dictionary --> Logging)
Master data table changes are written according to the principles of the respective accounting (GOBS) in the proper business areas via change documents. With this, the change, the name of the user, the current field contents and the previous field contents are all logged for each field.
Statistical data for user behavior
In the system, statistical data for the workload and for the user behavior is constantly recorded and compressed in adjustable time intervals.This statistical data is only accessible for users with administration authorization and is used exclusively for the purpose of an efficient and secure operation of the SAP system.
If statistical data is used for the purpose of the settlement, the settlement number is evaluated rather than the user name. The recording of statistical data can also be deactivated.
Transaction STAT:
Tools --> CCMS --> Control/Monitoring --> Performance menu --> Workload --> Statistics records
(also see R/3 Online Help: BC Computing Center Management System --> Workload Monitor)
Logging security-related system events:
The syslog is available for this, and as of Release 4.0 the security audit log is additionally available.In the syslog, the locking of users and operating system calls are logged.
In the security audit log, the following is recorded:
Logon, RFC logon, transaction start, call of RFC function modules, call of reports (as of Release 4.6), changes to user master records, start/stop of systems, download from data (as of Release 4.6) and so on.
To activate the security audit log, the profile parameter rsau/enable must be set, and settings must be defined with Transaction SM19.With Transaction SM20, the evaluation of the security audit log is carried out. The audit files can be reorganized using Transaction SM18.
System log (Transaction SM21): Administration --> System administration --> Monitor --> System log
(see R/3 Online help: BC System services --> System logs)
Security audit log (Transaction SM18, SM19, SM20):
Administration --> System administration --> Monitor --> Security audit log
(see R/3 Online help: BC System services --> Security audit log)
SQL Audit log
As of Release 4.5, there is additionally the option to record all the resulting SQL "SELECT" statements from user actions in the database interface by specifiying the selection criteria, users, time, report and statement (refer to Note 115224).
I have user to which i have assigned SAP_ALL and SAP_NEW profiles but now i want to remove STMS transaction authorization for that user. Please suggest me who can i do this?
What happens if the /sapapo/om_order_lc_to_dbstart, /sapapo/om_upgrade_converter, /sapapo/om_upgrade_lc_anchors, and /sapapo/om_order_db_to_lcstart jobs are running?
The /sapapo/om_order_lc_to_dbstart program (report /sapapo/om_order_lc_to_db) starts jobs that save the liveCache transaction data to the APO database.When and how are the time series and allocations backed-up?
See the relevant APO documentation.
Why is the migration executed via SAP reports and not via SAP migration tools (as it is done when migrating Oracle from NT to Unix)?
There are no relevant tools.
When can I deactivate the old liveCache?
Once all jobs that save the transaction data from the liveCache to the database (that is, all jobs with a 'LC_SAVE' name) are terminated.
For RFC connections: all clients or production clients only?
You only need to connect production clients. However, if you want, you can also connect other clients.
Should the new liveCache have the same name as the previous liveCache?
This is not necessary. It is only important that you maintain the LCA/LDA connection correctly.
SAP Security and basis are common thread of people who will be involved in all the sap systems. It can be Portal, BI SRM CRM ECC etc. Since all the systems will need access restrictions within the system. So there will be a need for SAP Security administrators for all the systems.
Is there any major difference between SAP Security administrations between different SAP SYSTEMS?Let us say you are driving Hyundai Car for past two years. You now understand where all the different controls are located and you very comfortable with driving the car. You also know the common problems or preventive measures you need to take base on the type and make of the car, like when to change the tire, when check for tire pressure, when to change new tires, when to do tune-ups etc. Let us say now you are given a Toyota Minivan to drive and do you think you will be difficult to drive. Of course you cannot jump into the van and drive. You need to look at where all the controls are located, ask the previous owner for some of the tips and tricks, and all the options available.Please watch the SAP demo training for preparing you for SAP OpeningsSAP GRC Training -About the Training
Logging on to SAP and Basic Introduction
SAP Online Training-SU24 Object Status
Browsing SAP Tables for Audit Compliance
Creating and scheduling SAP Batch Jobs in SAP System
SAP GRC features: Ruining Batch job to check for risk in the roles or users Daily
This same concept applies to SAP Security. Once you learn SAP Security for SAP ECC. The general concepts of trouble shooting techniques, SAP authorization concept, tracing for missing authorization, analyzing the error logs, applies to all the SAP Systems line SAP SEM, SAP SRM, SAP PLM SAP BI etc. Each of them have little twist and something new functionality but the general concept remains the same. For example restricting data in BI or BOBJ needs to be done at the info object level and SRM the data to the vendors has to be restricted at the hierarchy level.In a company environment when the company has multiple systems they want the all the SAP security administrators to manage all the systems since they want everyone to have some knowledge about the all SAP Systems. Once the client is live with all the SAP system they want them to support these systems. They could be on call and they should be able to understand the problem and resolve the issues www.SapSecurityTrainer.comSAP GRC and Audit Compliance Security TrainingDownload attached file(s)How to install and configure SAPGUI for Java on Linux, here I’ll explain it briefly.
Prepare these stuffs before you can proceed to installation :
You have to make sure that your Linux system has been installed with JRE (Java Runtime Environment) from SUN Microsystem ( If you don;t have it, just download it from here. Some of linux distros such as Fedora, Ubuntu, OpenSuSE etc using JRE from GNU called GIJ (GNU for Java). We can’t use this JRE. We need to replaced it. I’ll show you how to changed it later.You also need SAPGUI for Java installer. You can download it freelyAfter you have all prerequisite, you can proceed to next step to extract and change your JRE. This step is valid for Fedora, Ubuntu, and OpenSuSE. Please let me know if these doesn’t work for you.
Logon as rootCopy your JRE installer file to /opt folder.Please use .bin extention file.Change file permission if needed to executable. Use this command : #chmod 755 (xxx = refer to JRE version you’re using).Extract JRE files. Use this command : #./ JRE you just extracted inside alternatives system. Use this command : #/update-alternatives –install /usr/bin/java java /opt/jre1-xxx/bin/java 2Update java command configuration on alternatives system. Choose java number 2 because usually GIJ had number 1 position. Use this command : #update-alternatives –config javaUse this command to verify your JRE configuration. You can use this command : #java -versionIf you get something like this on your screen then you are succeeded. java version “1.6.0?After you finish this step, you can proceed to SAPGUI for Java installation.
Logon as rootUse this command (on terminal) to install SAPGUI for Java. #java -jar PlatinGUI-Linux-xxxx.jar (Use the latest version).Installed on /opt folder as default (usually on /opt/SAPClients folder)Next step is configure your SAPGUI for Java and try to test to SAP R/3 server connection.
Run executable file called guilogon (reside on /opt/SAPClients/SAPGUI700rev1/bin). It willpop up SAPGUI for Java window.Click New button.Fill the Description column as you like.Click Advanced Tab.Give check (V) to Use Expert ConfigurationFill the connection string. If your server using load balancing configuration, use this connection string conn=/M/(IP_Address_Message_Server)/S/36(system_number)/G/(nama_group) and use this connection string configuration if yor SAP R/3 server are not using load balancing system, conn=/H/(IP_Address_server_SAP)/S/32(system_number).There you go ! Now, you can use your SAPGUI for Java to access your SAP R/3 server.
Comments and suggestions are most welcome
SAP Security Training How to use SU53 for trouble shooting SAP Security Errors
We get a lot of questions about installation numbers, keys, license number, etc. So here is the answer to your queries.
When you become a new SAP customer, SAP assigns you a customer number. This number is like any other customer number you assign your own customers, or that companies assign to you. It uniquely identifies your company to SAP.
Once you sign your software license, each of the SAP components you purchase is assign an installation number. So, you signed a Business Suite license? Then you will be assigned an installation number for R/3, another installation number for BW, another installation number for CRM, etc. You also signed a license for KW? That would be another installation number. SAP sometimes splits existing products out to other divisions, so you may even be assigned a second customer number with new installation numbers assigned under that number. SAP did that with Enterprise Portals. An installation number identifies a customer's SAP component. If you open a problem under your R/3 installation number, SAP knows that the problem is going to deal with R/3 and not CRM, BW, etc.
A few weeks later, SAP shipped your installation kits and you installed R/3. Four weeks later your users get a message saying that the license has expired. But you signed your license agreement! When an SAP instance is installed, it gets assigned a temporary license key that is good for approximately four weeks. You need to request a permanent license key as soon as you finish your installation of the SAP instance. How? First, you will need your hardware key. This identifies your operating system information so SAP can generate a key that is not only good for your SAP version but for your hardware as well. To see your hardware key, log on as adm and go to a command prompt. Type "saplicense -get" and your hardware key will be displayed. Jot it down, you will need it later. The hardware key for NT is different than, for example, the hardware key for AIX. So if you change your SAP license from AIX to NT, you will need to make sure that your company is attached to the new hardware key or you won't be able to request new permanent license keys.
To request your new permanent license key, go to Use this website to give SAP information on which SAP flavor your have installed. You will have to provide your hardware key as well. SAP will generate the new key and e-mail you a text file. Save the text file on your SAP server, log on as adm, and go to a command prompt. Type "saplicense -install ifile= ". Your key should be installed! In later versions of R/3, you can use the slicense transaction as well.
Now your system is flying! But your ABAPers sign on for the first time, and they need to add a new program to upload master data. When they enter se38 they get a message asking for their developer key. This key is generated by SAP as well, and is used to register your superusers who will be responsible for adding new code and changing SAP-owned code. Go to to register your programmers. Once you have the developer key, give it to your ABAPer and he can enter it into the system. He will only have to supply it once per SAP instance.
Now your ABAPers are cranking out code, your system is humming, and then! Pow! The dreaded short dump hits you when you aren't looking. You look up the error code and find a valid OSS note to fix the problem. You log on to apply the advance correction, your give yourself a developer key,
go to transaction se37, but a new popup won't go away, it keeps asking for an access key for R3TR FUGR XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX. You must get an object key in order to modify an SAP-owned object. Since SAP owns all the ABAP code that comes with the SAP instance, you have to get a key in order to apply the advance correction. Again, you would use, this time to generate an object key.
All this SAP website access also demands that you have an OSS User ID, or as it is now known, SAP Service Marketplace User ID. The user ID to perform the tasks outlined in this message must have administration rights. Your should have received your primary OSS ID when you got your SAP license. If you have not received a primary OSS ID, or your SAP reseller seems to have control of your primary OSS ID, contact SAP AG to resolve the problem. Your OSS ID is connected to your SAP customer number, so if you have two customer numbers, you will receive two OSS IDs.
SAP has recently complicated the license scenario by introducing user licenses. Do not confuse your software license keys with SAP licensing of the usage of named users. These are two different things! Usage by users of an SAP instance will be monitored by your auditing team, and normally the only function of the Basis group in this regard is using su01 to register the "type" of each user.
Now there is only one other really important number you need to know: the phone number for your Basis technical consultant!
For GRC 5.3 SP 15 upgrade, below is the list you have to follow
First download the JAVA SAP from:a) Transport error 8 because object is repaired. Fixed by tcode SE03 and release locked object
b) Ask to release transport, you may skipped
c) Perform SPAU and SPDD. This is to be perform by ABAP programmers.
Download attached file(s)Do not delete DDIC or its profiles. DDIC is needed for certain tasks in installation and upgrade, software logistics, and for the ABAP Dictionary. Deleting it results in loss of functions in these areas.To make sure everything runs smoothly, give DDIC the authorizations for SAP_ALL during an installation or upgrade and then lock it afterwards. Only unlock it when necessary.To find out which clients you have in your system, display the table T000 using transaction SM30.Use the report RSUSR003 to make sure that the user SAP* has been created in all clients and that the standard passwords have been changed for SAP*, DDIC (and also the older user SAPCPIC). For more information, see SAP Note 40689.When using the SAP support services, you often need to allow remote access to your system using a user defined at your site. Because you are allowing system access to someone outside of your system, you should take extra precautions to protect this user. We recommend the following:Define a special user for remote access. Do not use any of the standard users.Define a procedure for activating and deactivating the user. Activate it only when necessary and deactivate it once the remote session is completed.Do not disclose this user’s password over the remote session. Send it over a separate channel such as an e-mail or a return telephone call. Change the password once the session is completed.EARLYWATCH is created in the client 066 during installtion and is used for remote control by SAP® and is only set up with some standard authorizations S_TOOLS_EX_A for performance monitoring. The user is to be locked in general, and can be unlocked upon request. Initial password for EARLYWATCH is support.To summarize, we recommend that you regularly review the following criteria for protecting the standard users:Maintain an overview of the clients that you have and make sure that no unknown clients exist.Make sure that SAP* exists and has been deactivated in all clients.Make sure that the default passwords for SAP*, DDIC, and EARLYWATCH have been changed.Make sure that these users belong to the group SUPER in all clients.Lock the users SAP*, DDIC, EARLYWATCH and your remote support user. Unlock them only when necessary. (Note that it should never be necessary to use SAP*!)Lock DDIC and EARLYWATCH and unlock them only when necessary.This ID is automatically created at the set up the change and transport management system in the client 000. The user type is “Communication”, and is utilized for transports by the CTS. TMSADM is assigned to profile S_A.TMSADM assigned that authorizes the use of RFC with display of the development environment as well as access to write to the file system. The standard password for this user directly after the installation is PASSWORD.SAPCPIC is created as a “communication” user at the installation and is mostly used for EDI. The standard profile S_A.CPIC restricts the access to the use of RFC. This user is hard-coded into the function module INIT_START_OF_EXTERNAL_PROGRAM together with a standard password. This needs to be considered in case of password changes for this user.The standard password for this user directly after the installation is ADMIN.The user is established with full authorizations for the administration. With regard to security, the user has no standard password assigned. To utilize this user as emergency user the properties in the UME need to be maintained. Setting the ume.superadmin.activated property to true will activate the use of this user for emergency cases. Setting a password in ume.superadmin.password will then activate the user finally after the restart of the engine. While the user SAP* is in use, all other users will be inactivated during this time.When the system is fixed, the deactivation can be achieved by setting the ume.superadmin.activated property to false.This user is the Java standard user with full administration authorization in this environment. The password is to be assigned during the set up.High complexity is recommended for this password.This user is a Java standard user who can be utilized for anonymous access. The user is locked per default. The password is assigned during the installation.This user is a standard communication user for LDAP Lightweight Directory Access Protocol data sources.This standard user is utilized for the communication between Java and ADS Adobe Document Service.This standard user is utilized in the context of the Composite Application Framework (CAF) core transport system and communication with other Java services.
SAP VA05 display all Sales Orders relating to a particular customer or material
4. Enter Selection requirements
6. Click Customer name (Sold to party) or Material code, which Sales order you wish to display.7. Click "Enter" Icon, the list of Sales Order will be displayed. .
Enter current date in SAP transaction
1. On the date field press "F4" key to call up the calender
The following calender will be shown
2. Then Press "F2" key to select today's date.
The date will be inserted in the date field
SAP NetWeaver Identity Management helps companies to centrally manage their user accounts (identities) in a complex system landscape. This includes both SAP and non-SAP systems. The solution provides an authoritative, single source of user information and enables self-service management of user information and authorizations using workflow
1. What guarantees the integration of all application modules?
The R/3 basis system guarantees the integration of all application modules. The R/3 basis s/w provides the run time environment for the R/3 applications ensures optimal integration, defines a stable architectural frame for system enhancements, and contains the administration tools for the entire system.One of the main tasks of the basis system is to guarantee the portability of the complete system.2. What are the central interfaces of the R/3 system? Presentation Interface. Database Interface. Operating system Interface.3. Which interface controls what is shown on the p.c.? Presentation Interface.4. Which interface converts SQL requirements in the SAP development system to those of the database? Database Interface.5. What is SAP dispatcher? SAP dispatcher is the control agent that manages the resources for the R/3 applications.6. What are the functions of dispatcher? Equal distribution of transaction load to the work processes. Management of buffer areas in main memory. Integration of the presentation levels. Organization of communication activities.7. What is a work process? A work process is where individual dialog steps are actually processed and the work is done. Each work process handles one type of request.8. Name various work processes of R/3 system? Dialog or Online (processes only one request at a time). Background (Started at a specific time) Update (primary or secondary) Enque (Lock mechanism). Spool (generated online or during back ground processing for printing).9. Explain about the two services that are used to deal with communication.Message Service: Used by the application servers to exchange short internal messages, all system communications.Gateway Service: Enables communication between R/3 and external applications using CPI-C protocol.10. Which work process triggers database changes?Update work process.11. Define service (within R/3)?A service is a process or group of processes that perform a specific system function and often provide an application-programming interface for other processes to call.12. What are the roll and page areas?Roll and page areas are SAP R/3 buffers used to store user contexts (process requests). The SAP dispatcher assigns process requests to work processes as they are queued in the roll and page areas.Paging area holds data from the application programs.Roll area holds data from previous dialog steps and data that characterize the user.13. What are the different layers in R/3 system?Presentation Layer.Application Layer.Database Layer.14. What are the phases of background processing?Job Scheduling.Job Processing.Job Overview.15. What components of the R/e system initiate the start of background jobs at the specified time?The batch scheduler initiates the start of background job. The dispatcher then sends this request to an available background work process for processing.16. Define Instance.An instance is an administrative unit in which components of an R/3 systems providing one or more services are grouped together. The services offered by an instance are started and stopped at random. All components are parameterized using a joint instance profile. A central R/3 system consists of a single instance in which all-necessary SAP services are offered. Each instance uses separate buffer areas.17. From hardware perspective, every information system can be divided into three task areas Presentation, Application Logic and Data Storage.The R/3 Basis software is highly suitable for use in multi-level client/server architectures.18. What are R/3 Basis configurations?A central system with centrally installed presentation software.Two-level client/server system with rolled out presentation software.Two-level client/server system. Presentation and Application run on the same computer.Three-level client/server system. Presentation, Application and database each run on separate computers.19. What is a Service in SAP terminology?A service refers to something offered by a s/w component.20. What is Server in SAP terminology?A component can consist of one process or a group and is then called the server for the respective service.21. What is a client in SAP terminology?A S/W component that uses the service (offered by a s/w component) is called a Client. At the same time these clients may also be servers for other services.22.What is a SAP system?The union of all s/w components that are assigned to the same databases is called as a SAP system.23. What is the means of communications between R/3 and external applications?The means of communication between R/2,R/3 and external applications is via the CPI-C handler or SAP Gateway, using the CPI-C Protocol.24. What is the protocol used by SAP Gateway process?The SAP Gateway process communicates with the clients based on the TCP/IP Protocol.25. Expand CPI-C.Common Program Interface Communication.26. What is a Spool request?Spool requests are generated during dialog or background processing and placed in the spool database with information about the printer and print format. The actual data is places in the Tem Se (Temporary Sequential objects).27. What are different types of Log records?V1 and V2. V1 must be processed before V2. But, we can have more than one V2 logs.28. What are the types of Update requests?An update request can be divided into one primary (V1) and several Secondary update components (V2). Time-critical operations are placed in V1 component and those whose timing is less critical are placed in V2 components. If a V1 update fails, V2 components will not be processed.29. Dialog work processes perform only one dialog step and then available for the next request.30. Explain what is a transaction in SAP terminology.In SAP terminology, a transaction is series of logically connected dialog steps.31. Explain how SAP GUI handles output screen for the user.The SAP front-end s/w can either run on the same computer or on different computers provided for that purpose. User terminal input is accepted by the SAP terminal program SAP GUI, converted to SAP proprietary format and sent to the SAP dispatcher. The dispatcher coordinates the information exchange between the SAP GUIs and the work processes. The dispatcher first places the processing request in request queues, which it then processes. The dispatcher dispatches the requests one after another, to the available work process. The actual processing takes place in the work process. When processing is complete, the result of a work process is returned via the dispatcher to the SAP GUI. The SAP GUI interprets the received data and generates the output screen for the user.SAP VF03 Print Sales Invoice
1. Go to SAP Tcode VF03
2. Click "Billing Document"
Choose "Issue Output to"
3. Click "printer" icon to print
4. If you want to Setting printer, Click "print options" icon above
5. To preview sales invoice click "preview" icon
SAP - General
House keeping – delete old logs, spools if any
Review user ID for Terminated users that should be locked or deleted
Check changeable status for applicable client
Transaction Codes: Lock / Unlock
Check locked transactions against your list
Database - Oracle
Record database usage and plot database growth
Database Performance Analysis
Review System performance analysis – Check critical tables for reorganization.
House keeping using SAPDBA, Backup database log files & delete.
Operating System
Backup file server; Review file system usage. Plot usage.
House keeping jobs – Backup system logs, delete core files if any, remove all unwanted files.
SAP R/3 System Parameters Review
This overview describes how security and controls can be implemented through system parameters. System parameters are used to maintain configuration over the operation of the SAP system. System parameters may define key settings for the whole system on which SAP runs, individual hosts systems (e.g. configuration for only one of many application servers) or the instances that are running on these servers. The majority of system parameters ensure that SAP operates effectively on the customer’s preferred hardware, operating system and database platforms. System parameters also control how SAP operates and provides system wide control over some aspects of Security. System parameters are set using transaction RZ10. To make the parameters globally effective set them in the default profile, DEFAULT.PFL. To make them instance-specific, you must set them in the profiles of each application server in your R/3 System. System parameters can be reviewed with transaction TU02 or from the standard SAP report RSPARAM using transaction SA38.Incorrect Logon, Default Clients and Default Start Menus• Login/fails_to_session_end (default value - 3)defines the number of times a user can enter an incorrect password before the system terminates the logon attempt.• Login/fails_to_user_lock (default value - 12)the number of times a user can enter an incorrect password before the system locks the user. If the system locks, an entry is written to the system log, and the lock is released at midnight.• Login/failed_user_auto_unlock (default value - 1)unlocks users who are locked by logging on incorrectly. The locks remain if the parameter value is 0.This parameter specifies the default client. This client is automatically filled in on the system logon screen. Users can enter a different client.Since release 3.0E, external security tools such as Kerberos or Secude have managed R/3 System access. If this parameter is set, an additional identification can be specified for each user (in user maintenance) where users log on to their security system. To activate, set the value to X.• rdisp/gui_auto_logout (default value - 0)Maximum time allowed between input from the GUI before the frontend is automatically logged out. The value is set in seconds and the value of zero is used when this facility is not active.This parameter specifies the default start menu for all users and can be overwritten with the user-specific start menu (transaction SU50). The default is S000, and this value can be set to any other area menu code.System profile parameters define the minimum length of a password and the frequency with which users must change passwords.minimum password length. The minimum is three characters and the maximum eight characters.• Login/password_expiration_timenumber of days after which a password must be changed. The parameter allows users to keep their passwords without time limit and leaves the value set to the default, 0.• To prevent use of a certain password, enter it in table USR40. Maintain this table with transaction SM30. In USR40, you may also generically specify prohibited passwords.There are two wild-card characters:– * means a sequence of any combination characters of any length– 123* in table USR40 prohibits any password that begins with the sequence 123.– *123* prohibits any password that contains the sequence 123.– AB? prohibits passwords that begin with AB and have an additional character, such as ABA, ABB, and ABC.Securing SAP* user master record• login/no_automatic_user_sapstarBy default SAP is installed with a user master record SAP*. This user has the profile SAP_ALL with access to all transactions and programs in SAP. By default if this user master record is deleted then SAP allows logon using SAP* and a password of ‘PASS’. Although the user master record does not exist, SAP grants unrestricted system access privileges to SAP*. By setting this parameter value to ‘1’ this ‘backdoor’ access is blocked in the event the SAP* user master record is deleted. Prior to version 4.0 this parameter was login/no_automatic_user_sap*.• Auth/check_value_write_on (default value - 0)Authorization failures can be evaluated immediately they occur by running transaction SU53. This functionality is only active if the parameter is set to a value greater than zero in the system profile parameter.• Auth/authorization_trace (version 4.0B onwards - default value - ‘N’)When the parameter is set, any authorization checks performed are validated against existing entries in table USOBX. If the table does not contain the transaction/authorization object combination, then a new entry is added to the SAP reference table (i.e. USOBT not USOBT_C). Due to significant performance issues, SAP does not recommend this parameter being set in customer systems.• Auth/test_mode (version 4.0B onwards - default value ‘N’)When activated every authority check starts report RSUSR400. However SAP recommends not activating this parameter as the system is paralyzed if syntax errors occur in running the report and it has a significant performance impact .• Auth/no_check_on_sucode (version 3.0E to version 3.1H - default value ‘N’), Auth/no_check_on_tcode (version 4.0 onwards - default value - ‘N’)From release 3.0E, the system checks on object S_TCODE. In upgrades from versions prior to 3.0E to set this flag to ‘Y’ to ensure that old profiles operate in the new system. By default, the function is inactive.The flag should not normally be switched on because of the degradation in security that results.• Auth/no_check_in_some_cases (version 3.0F onwards -default value depends on release)This parameter needs to be set to ‘Y’ for installation of the profile generator. It defines the use of table USOBT in the authority checks undertaken and allows authority checks to be disabled in individual transactions. Whilst SAP recommends switching off unnecessary authority checks, the full impact of this should be considered carefully.• Auth/object_disabling_active (default value -‘N’)Whilst_no_check_in_some_cases allows authority checks to be switched off in for individual transactions, this parameter allows checks on individual objects to be switched off globally within SAP. It is recommended that this parameter is not set.Number of Authorisations in User Buffers• Auth/auth_number_in_userbufferWhen a user logs onto SAP, the authorizations contained in the user’s profiles are copied to a user buffer in memory. The maximum number of authorizations copied is set by this parameter. The size of the buffer must always exceed the maximum number of authorizations as authorization checks are made only against those in the buffer.The default value is 800, but this can be set to between 1–2000. Refer to OSS notes 84209 and 75908 for more detailed information regarding changes to the size of the user buffer.Transaction SU56 shows the contents of the user’s user buffer and a total for all the authorizations in a user master record.Table, ABAP and RFC system parameters• Rec/client (default value - ‘N’)The parameter switches automatic table logging on. Images of the table before and after are logged rather than just changes and so consideration to which tables are to be logged and log volumes must be made before using this as part of a control solution.• Auth/rfc_authority_check (default value - ‘1’)The parameter determines how object S_RFC is checked during RFC calls. The object has three fields, activity, the name of the function being called and the function group in which the function resides. The parameter defines whether S_RFC object is checked and if so, whether the function group field is included in the validation.Value = 0, no check against S_RFCValue = 1, check active but no check for SRFC-FUGRValue = 2, check active and check against SRFC-FUGR• Auth/system_access_check_off (default value - ‘0’ - check remains active)This parameter inactivates the automatic authorization check for particular ABAP/4 language elements (file operations, CPIC calls, and calls to kernel functions). This parameter ensures the downward compatibility of the R/3 kernel.• TU02 Shows current parameters for all hosts and gives a history of changes to parameters• RZ10 Maintain system parameters• RZ11 View single system parameters and their functional area.• SU56 Shows all authorizations a user has in their user master record and the total number. This is useful toidentify apparent authorization failures caused by user buffer overflow.RSPARAM displays all system parameters set and applicable to the system and instance in which it is run.From version 4.0 the RSUSR003 report also shows the settings for some of the critical password parameters. The report also shows identifies whether SAP*, DDIC or CPIC have insecure passwords by comparing value of the encrypted password field with the encrypted values of the standard shipped passwords. It also shows whether the SAP* user master record is absent from any clients.The tables ACCTHD, ACCTIT and ACCTCR are increasing in size and use a lot of space in the database. You have the following questions:
1. Which data is updated in the ACCT* tables?
The documents of MM Inventory Management and MM Invoice Verification do not contain all the information required for an update in Accounting. Certain additional information is known only during the life of the original posting. These documents are unsuitable for subsequent postings. For this reason, when you post goods movements and invoice receipts (reference types MKPF and RMRP), the call of the accounting interface is documented in the form of documents in the tables ACCTHD, ACCTIT and ACCTCR.
With Note 1228011, PRCHG, MLHD and MLCU was added to the list of AWTYP's.Note 316468 describes how you can determine the organizational units and periods to which the data of the ACCT tables is assigned.
2. For what are these tables required?
This information is stored for applications which are to be supplied with the posting data of MM Inventory Management and MM Invoice Verification at a later date. This concerns the following applications:
Special Purpose Ledger (FI-SL)
Profit Center Accounting (EC-PCA)
Controlling (CO)
Public Sector Funds Management (PSM-FM)
The reason for subsequent posting may be:
You plan to use an application in production at a later point and to use data of past periods in this application.
You use an application in production but you do not provide the data online. You can check whether this is the case using the following Customizing transactions:
Special Purpose Ledger (FI-SL): Call transaction GCD1 and select FI-SL as origin of original document. Enter the posting status and choose Goto -> Posting test. Enter a transaction and select other parameters, if necessary. Execute the transaction.
The diagnosis outputs a list of FI-SL ledgers which are directly supplied, or supplied by means of subsequent posting (depending on the selected posting status), with data of the selected transaction.
Controlling (CO): for active CO components (cost centers, orders, and so on), the data is always transferred online. You can use transaction OKKP to check whether a component is active. Select a controlling area, choose Activate components/control indicators and double-click the relevant fiscal year. (The settings specified below are relevant for the profit center).
Profit Center Accounting (EC-PCA): Call transaction 1KEF and enter a controlling area. If the 'Online transfer' checkbox is selected, the system transfers the data of the corresponding years online.
Funds Management Public Sector (IS-PS-FM): If this component is active, the system transfers the MM Inventory Management data and MM Invoice Verification online.
Two options for subsequent postings:
Transaction GCU4 or OKBB (program RGUREC30): subsequently posting from the datasets of the ACCT* tables of MM data into the above-mentioned applications. As far as completeness of subsequently posted data is concerned, this is the method to be recommended. However, it entails a considerable data volume in the ACCT* tables.
Transaction GCU1 or OKBA (program RGUREC10): subsequently posting from the datasets of the FI documents into the above-mentioned applications. The ACCT* tables are NOT used in this case. You could do without the tables being updated and reduce the amount of work for the database.
When you subsequently post FI data that originates from MM Inventory Management or MM Invoice Verification, the system first checks as to whether data is also contained in the ACCT* tables. If data is found, no subsequent posting is made. As of Release 3.1H, you have the option of deactivating the above procedure ('Transfer MM, SD, and HR docs' indicator) so that FI documents that originate from MM Inventory Management or MM Invoice Verification types are subsequently posted in this case also.
The disadvantage associated with this variant is that information may be lost, since an FI document might not contain all the data or certain data is summarized at your wish. Therefore, compare the fields of the tables BSEG and ACCT*. Consider possible summarizations set for table BSEG (see Note 36353). If the additional fields of the ACCT* tables are not important for you, subsequently posting from the dataset of the FI documents does not entail any disadvantages for you.
Joint Venture Accounting (CA-JVA) also uses the tables. See Notes 551618, 540178 and 565448.
Apart from the reasons mentioned above, you require the ACCT* tables if errors occurred during the through posting of MM Inventory Management documents or MM Invoice Verification documents. You can correct errors of this type by using the information from the ACCT* tables.
For audit purposes, the ACCT* tables are not used by AIS and DART in the standard. However, the user exit technology in DART enables you to tailor the increase the data volume, that is, ACCT* tables also.
In the material ledger (actual costing, CO-PC-ACT), the value flow monitor (transaction CKMVFM) can be used to analyze differences in price difference accounts.
It is also possible to compare the posted values in FI with the material ledger. For special stocks, this option is useful only if the update of the table ACCTIT is activated.
For analyzing special stocks, the value flow monitor cannot determine all the required information from the FI documents. All missing information is read from the table ACCTIT. If the update of the table ACCTIT is not activated, the special stock differences are assigned to the stock materials in the value flow monitor. The total of the differences for a material is then correct. However, it is not apparent whether the differences are relevant for the warehouse stocks or the special stock.
The value flow monitor can also be executed without the "Reconciliation FI with ML" option. Then the update of the table ACCTIT does not play any role.
3. Is the data relevant to euro?
The tables ACCTHD, ACCTIT and ACCTCR are not converted during the local currency changeover. Therefore, the data from these tables can no longer be used for subsequent postings after a local currency changeover.
Prior to the local currency changeover or immediately after it at the latest, you should either delete this data in all (converted) clients to be converted or archive it (only then for audit purposes).
If the tables are not very large, you can keep them in the database and delete or archive them after the local currency changeover. If errors occur during the local currency changeover, the ACCT* tables could help you to localize and eliminate the error (only for documents with the reference types MKPF and RMRP).
4. Is it possible to do without an update of the tables?
A functional disadvantage in the case of missing ACCT* table entries relates to the subsequent postings in the above cases.
There are the following scenarios:
You transfer data online to active R/3 components. You do not have any future plans to supply new components with older posting data from MM Inventory Management or MM Invoice Verification. In this case, you can deactivate the update of the tables and delete their contents.
You do not transfer online the data from MM Inventory Management or MM Invoice Verification to the above-mentioned active R/3 components but post it subsequently from the FI documents (transaction GCU1 or OKBA). You have future plans to supply new components with older posting data from MM Inventory Management or MM Invoice Verification using the FI documents. In this case, you can deactivate the update of the tables and delete their contents.
You do not transfer online the data from MM Inventory Management or MM Invoice Verification to the above-mentioned active R/3 components but post it subsequently from the ACCT* tables (transaction GCU4 or OKBB).
As soon as you have subsequently posted a part of the data, you should delete it from the ACCT* tables. If the subsequent posting is made much later, you can alternatively archive the data to then reload it for subsequent posting into the database. However, you must not reset the MM number ranges in this case (see Note 83076)!
Check whether you can subsequently post data using the FI document (transaction GCU1 or OKBA). If so, you can deactivate the update of the ACCT* tables and delete their contents.
You have future plans to supply new components with older posting data from MM Inventory Management or MM Invoice Verification using the ACCT* tables .
You can archive the data to then reload it for subsequent posting to the database. However, you must not reset the MM number ranges in this case (see Note 83076)!
Check whether you can subsequently post data using the FI document (transaction GCU1 or OKBA). If so, you can deactivate the update of the ACCT* tables and delete their contents.
For missing ACCT* table entries, errors that occurred during the through posting of MM Inventory Management documents or MM Invoice Verification documents cannot be corrected or can only be corrected with difficulty. If this aspect is important to you, SAP recommends that you do not deactivate the updating of the ACCT* tables and delete its contents. SAP recommends you to continue updating the tables and to reduce the work of the database through regular archiving.
5. How can a table update be deactivated or activated?
For this purpose, implement the corrections for the function module AC_DOCUMENT_CREATE (program LRWCLU01). After you do so, no new records are written in the ACCT* tables. You should also implement the source code modifications that are contained in Note 821161 in your system.
If you wish the tables to be updated in the future, undo this correction. Afterwards, the ACCT* tables are updated again as before the deactivation.
6. How can the tables be archived?
You can archive the data for the purpose of
- a later subsequent posting
- correcting through-posting errors
Bear in mind the restrictions concerning the local currency changeover and the resetting of MM number ranges (Note 83076).
Note 83076 describes archiving, reading and reloading the ACCT* tables.
7. How can the tables be deleted?
First deactivate the update of the tables as described under point 5.
Delete the tables ACCTHD, ACCTIT and ACCTCR.
Delete the contents of the table for all clients using database tools. This is the fastest and safest method. The advantage of this method lies in the reorganization, which is automatically made by the database.
For this purpose, call transaction SE14 for the tables ACCTHD, ACCTIT, ACCTCR and carry out the steps 'Delete database table' and then 'Create database table'.
If you want to delete data in particular clients only, use the program (ZZTTAMAC) described in the attachment "ZZTTAMAC.TXT". It deletes the tables ACCTHD, ACCTIT and ACCTCR completely in the current client. Depending on the data volume, runtimes may be long.
Create the program (transaction SE38) and execute it.
8. Is the data relevant for the new G/L migration?
In the case of a migration without document splitting, the ACCT* tables have no significance.
When you use the document splitting, the tables are required only in a very specific exceptional case, namely if a splitting is performed for each logical transatcion (LOGVO). However, for this to happen, the FI summarization must not be active. In all other cases, the ACCT* tables are not relevant for the migration and can be archived, deleted or deactivated, or must not be activated if they are already deactivated.
To Create a new company on a blank SAP installation in FI.
If the company was already set up and the company numeric codes already created and you may just copy an existing company code to copy an existing company code using transaction EC01.
But if you want to create and setup a new company from scratch from a 'blank sheet' in SAP R/3 and then create the first set of Books.
Go to Tcode OX02
SPRO -> Enterprise structure -> Definition -> Financial Accounting -> Edit, copy, delete company code.
Problem: System gets struck
It happens mostly when archive area is overloaded. Check the archive file system. Start archive backup immediately. If your archival backup is not running switch archive to new destination.
Problem: ABAP Dump
Not always the problem is technical. Check the nature of the Dump. Review the application data & program with the concerned.
Problem: Field exits are completly ignored
Make sure your SAP profile parameter contains he option abap/fieldexit = yes.
Problem: Rollback segments are too small
Before increasing the rollback segments you should verify your programs. Very often the problem belongs to them.
SAP SD VF11 Cancel Billing Documents
1. Go to SAP Tcode VF11
or path :Logistics -> Sales and Distribution
-> Billing -> Billing document -> Cancel
2. Save to cancel the document.
3.Or If you want to display document (VF03) first, Click "Glass" button
4. Click "Document billing overview" button for checking original billing document & cancel document
5. Click Split analysis button to display detail fields.
Remarks :A Billing Document that has been sent to a customer must not be cancelled.
A further Credit memo must be created in these cases.