Saturday, 10 September 2011

SapPatch Importing GUI Patches

 The SapGui installation provides a new tool for importing patches. Instead of manually unpacking the patches on the installation server, importing the patches now occurs automatically.
Here, the patch files are copied and the installation database is updated on the installation server. Clients on which SapSetup is started are able to recognize that the new patch is installed on the server and can update themselves.
As of the following patch levels, patches can only be installed using this tool:
setup46D:  5  (Import this setup patch first)
gui46D:     194
bw20B:      8 apo30A:     7sem20B:     6 sem30A:     1kw50:       8
Manual unpacking of these and subsequent patches is NO LONGER possible.
If you do not have CD "46D Compilation 3" available yet: The patch tool is available as setup update sappatch46D_Y.exe (self-extracting) on the SAP Service Marketplace. In this case, Y is the patch level indicator. Make sure that you always import the highest available patch level.
Copy the files contained in the update into directory \netinst of your installation server. This is sufficient to be able to import all patches listed above with the new procedure in the future.
Patch procedure for installation servers
In order to import the patches to your installation server proceed as follows:
1. Download the patch from the Sap Service Marketplace
(see Note 96885).
2. Close all GUI applications. Importing the patch inevitably fails if
files that are to be updated by the patch are still used by an
application. This especially applies to GUI applications on PCs
that are run in a server-dependent way.
3. On the installation server, start configuration program
SapAdmin.exe as usual via the UNC path.
\\ name>\\netinst\sapadmin.exe
4. In Menu 'Tools' select 'Apply patch' (>> Tools -- Apply Patch)
5. Select the patch file you want to install.
6. Choose 'Install'.
7. The installation server has now been updated accordingly.\\\\netinst\sapsetup.exe /p:"  "
Now the clients must be brought to the version of the installation server by means of sapsetup.exe.
A. If you installed a predefined or self-defined package by means of
netsetup.exe, import the Support Package by means of the following
 (The package display of SapSetup shows that these packages are obsolete, i.e. that a more current version is available on the
B. If you did not perform a package installation but installed  predefined components by means of setup.exe, on the client, start
Then select the component again you already selected during the original installation.
SapSetup recognizes that the installation server has a new  version and re-installs only the components that were newly updated    on the server. This makes the update as performant as possible.
Importing setup patches on the installation server is carried out in the same way.

Patch procedure for standalone computers
If no installation server is available, the new patches nevertheless allow to apply the patches on the target computer.
If you have not been using Release 6.10 yet, you need setup update
localpat46D_Y.exe, which is available on the SAP Service Marketplace. In this case, Y is the actual version of the update.
Make sure that you always apply the highest patch level available.
Copy the files contained in the update into directory \SAPpc\netinst on the target computer. (For Winzip users: Enter \SAPpc as target directory.
This is sufficient to be able to import the patches listed above with the new procedure in the future. Please note that "localpat46D_Y.exe" is suitable for local CD installations without connection to an installation server only.
To apply a (GUI, APO, BW, KW, or SEM) patch on a standalone computer, proceed as follows:
1. Download the corresponding patch from SAP Service Marketplace.
2. Close ALL SAP applications. The import of the patch will definitely fail if data that should be updated by the patch is being used
by an application.
3. On your computer, start installation program sapsetup.exe as follows from directory \SAPpc\netinst:
sapsetup.exe /patch
4. Specify the patch file you want to install.
As from Release 6.10 Compilation 1, the call may also be made in a non-interactive way (without selection dialog) by specifying the
name of the patch file in the command line:
sapsetup.exe /patch:
Under the following preconditions, this functionality is also available for Release 4.6D:
- On the stand-alone PC, Release 4.6D Compilation 4 was installed, or Patch "localpat46D_Y.exe" was imported
(see above).
- You unpack ZIP archive "", attached to thisnote, to the local \SAPpc\netinst directory of the target PC.
This enhances SAPSetup by the desired command line switch.
5.Select "Install".
Known problems:
1. If the import of the patch terminates with an error message, because a file cannot be copied, the most probable cause is that the file to be replaced is loaded by an application and thus cannot be exchanged. In this case, SapAdmin restores the original state.
Make sure that no other SAP application is loaded from the installation server, before you start SapAdmin to import the patch.
2. If you apply a patch on a standalone computer, SapSetup terminates with an error message, reading that a file cannot be replaced. This occurs even if you have closed all SAP applications before.
Solution: These problems are solved in level 3 (sappatch46D_3.exe) of the SapPatch update.
3. SapPatch update sappatch46D_1.exe contains an incorrect version of the program and is therefore no longer available.
If you have already downloaded this version of the update, delete it again and use the current version instead which is available on the SAP Service Marketplace.
If you have already installed and executed the incorrect version of the update, restart the installation server. To do this, delete the existing installation root directory and start a new administrative setup from CD. Update your installation server with the most current SapPatch version after this.
4. Gui Patch gui46D_193.exe was incorrect and is therefore also no longer available. If you have downloaded this patch, remove it again and download the most current patch available on the SAP Service Marketplace.
5. For customers using BW:
The installation server must be set up with 46D Compilation 3 or higher.
Tips for the administrator
1. You can setup an automatic update on your clients by setting the following call in the logon script on the server or in the autostart folders of the clients:
\\\\netinst\sapsetup.exe /p:"  "
/intellimode /checkdb
During every logon, SapSetup now checks whether the installation server contains a more current version. This check is carried out in a rather performant way, since the installation database needs not be loaded for this action. If the server does not contain a more current version than the client, SapSetup closes down itself immediately. Otherwise, the client is updated accordingly.

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