SAP BusinessObjects Data Services XI Release 3 provides data integration and data quality processes in one runtime environment, delivering enterprise performance and scalability. The data integration processes of SAP BusinessObjects Data Services allow organizations to easily explore, extract, transform, and deliver any type of data anywhere across the enterprise. The data quality processes of SAP BusinessObjects Data Services allow organizations to easily standardize, cleanse, and consolidate data anywhere, ensuring that end users are always working with information that’s readily available, accurate, and trusted.
Contents of this SAP BusinessObjects Data Services Designer Tutorial Guide
Chapter 1 Introduction 21
Welcome to SAP BusinessObjects Data Services22
Documentation set for SAP BusinessObjects Data Services…22
Accessing documentation……..25
SAP BusinessObjects information resources…26
Overview of this guide…….28
About this guide28
Who should read this guide……29
Chapter 2 Logging into the Designer 31
Creating a repository………32
Associating the repository with a Job Server………32
Entering repository login information………33
Version restrictions…….33
Oracle login …..33
Microsoft SQL Server login……34
IBM DB2 login..34
Sybase ASE login………35
Resetting users……35
Chapter 3 Designer User Interface 37
Reusable objects……….38
Single-use objects……..39
Object hierarchy………..39
Designer window…41
Menu bar….42
Project menu….42
Edit menu………43
View menu……..43
Tools menu…….44
Debug menu…..46
Validation menu47
Dictionary menu………..48
Window menu…48
Help menu……..49
Project area ……….52
Tool palette53
Moving objects in the workspace area.55
Connecting objects…….55
Disconnecting objects..56
Describing objects …….56
Scaling the workspace.56
Arranging workspace windows.57
Closing workspace windows….57
Local object library.57
To open the object library………58
To display the name of each tab as well as its icon…..59
To sort columns in the object library…..59
Object editors………60
Working with objects……….61
Creating new reusable objects.61
Changing object names63
Viewing and changing object properties………..63
Creating descriptions….66
Creating annotations …68
Copying objects69
Saving and deleting objects…..70
Searching for objects….72
General and environment options.74
Designer — Environment………75
Designer — General…..77
Designer — Graphics…78
Designer — Central Repository Connections..79
Data — General………..79
Job Server — Environment……80
Job Server — General..80
Chapter 4 Projects and Jobs 83
Objects that make up a project.84
Creating a new project.85
Opening existing projects………85
Saving projects.85
Creating jobs….87
Naming conventions for objects in jobs88
Chapter 5 Datastores 91
What are datastores?……..92
Database datastores……….93
Mainframe interface……93
Defining a database datastore.97
Configuring data sources used in a datastore100
Changing a datastore definition………102
Browsing metadata through a database datastore….104
Importing metadata through a database datastore….108
Memory datastores…..114
Persistent cache datastores…120
Linked datastores…….123
Adapter datastores……….125
Defining an adapter datastore126
Browsing metadata through an adapter datastore…..129
Importing metadata through an adapter datastore…..129
Web service datastores…130
Defining a web service datastore…….130
Browsing WSDL metadata through a web service datastore.131
Importing metadata through a web service datastore133
Creating and managing multiple datastore configurations……….133
Why use multiple datastore configurations?..135
Creating a new configuration..135
Adding a datastore alias………137
Functions to identify the configuration138
Portability solutions….140
Job portability tips…….145
Renaming table and function owner…146
Defining a system configuration………152
Chapter 6 File formats 155
What are file formats?……156
File format editor..156
Creating file formats………159
To specify a source or target file………159
To create a new file format…..159
Modeling a file format on a sample file………..161
Replicating and renaming file formats163
To create a file format from an existing flat table schema……164
To create a specific source or target file………164
Editing file formats………..165
To edit a file format template..165
To edit a source or target file..166
Change multiple column properties….166
File format features……….167
Reading multiple files at one time……167
Identifying source file names .168
Number formats……….168
Ignoring rows with specified markers.169
Date formats at the field level.170
Parallel process threads………171
Error handling for flat-file sources……171
Creating COBOL copybook file formats..175
To create a new COBOL copybook file format………..175
To create a new COBOL copybook file format and a data file………..176
To create rules to identify which records represent which schemas…177
To identify the field that contains the length of the schema’s record…178
Creating Microsoft Excel workbook file formats on UNIX platforms …….178
To create a Microsoft Excel workbook file format on UNIX …179
File transfers……..180
Custom transfer system variables for flat files………..180
Custom transfer options for flat files…182
Setting custom transfer options……….184
Design tips……185
Web log support…186
Word_ext function……188
Concat_date_time function…..188
WL_GetKeyValue function…..189
Chapter 7 Data Flows 193
What is a data flow?……..194
Naming data flows……194
Data flow example……194
Steps in a data flow….195
Data flows as steps in work flows…….195
Intermediate data sets in a data flow.196
Operation codes………196
Passing parameters to data flows……197
Creating and defining data flows.198
To define a new data flow using the object library……198
To define a new data flow using the tool palette……..199
To change properties of a data flow…199
Source and target objects200
Source objects201
Target objects.201
Adding source or target objects to data flows202
Template tables……….204
Converting template tables to regular tables..206
Adding columns within a data flow ………207
To add columns within a data flow…..209
Propagating columns in a data flow containing a Merge transform….209
Lookup tables and the lookup_ext function………211
Accessing the lookup_ext editor……..212
Example: Defining a simple lookup_ext function……..213
Example: Defining a complex lookup_ext function ….216
Data flow execution………219
Push down operations to the database server………..220
Distributed data flow execution……….221
Load balancing………..222
Audit Data Flow overview223
Chapter 8 Transforms 225
Transform configurations.229
To create a transform configuration….230
To add a user-defined field ….231
To add transforms to data flows…232
Transform editors.233
Chapter 9 Query transform overview 235
Query editor………236
To change the current schema….237
To modify output schema contents……….237
To add a Query transform to a data flow.238
Chapter 10 Data Quality transforms overview 241
Data Quality editors………242
Associate, Match, and User-Defined transform editors…245
Ordered options editor…..246
To add a Data Quality transform to a data flow…246
Chapter 11 Work Flows 249
What is a work flow?……..250
Steps in a work flow………250
Order of execution in work flows.251
Example of a work flow….252
Creating work flows………253
To create a new work flow using the object library…..253
To create a new work flow using the tool palette …….253
To specify that a job executes the work flow one time………..254
To define a conditional256
While loops……….257
Design considerations257
Defining a while loop..258
Using a while loop with View Data…..259
Try/catch blocks…260
Defining a try/catch block…….261
Categories of available exceptions….263
Example: Catching details of an error263
To create a script……..265
Debugging scripts using the print function…..266
Chapter 12 Nested Data 267
What is nested data?…….268
Representing hierarchical data….268
Formatting XML documents………271
Importing XML Schemas……..272
Specifying source options for XML files ……..278
Mapping optional schemas…..279
Using Document Type Definitions (DTDs) ….281
Generating DTDs and XML Schemas from an NRDM schema………283
Operations on nested data……….284
Overview of nested data and the Query transform….284
FROM clause construction…..285
Nesting columns ……..289
Using correlated columns in nested data…….290
Distinct rows and nested data292
Grouping values across nested schemas……292
Unnesting nested data ……….293
Transforming lower levels of nested data…….296
XML extraction and parsing for columns.297
Sample Scenarios……298
Chapter 13 Real-time Jobs 303
Request-response message processing.304
What is a real-time job?…305
Real-time versus batch………..305
Real-time job examples……….308
Creating real-time jobs…..310
Real-time job models..310
Using real-time job models…..311
To create a real-time job………313
Real-time source and target objects……..316
To view an XML message source or target schema..317
Secondary sources and targets………318
Transactional loading of tables………..319
Design tips for data flows in real-time jobs…..320
Testing real-time jobs…….321
Executing a real-time job in test mode………..321
Using View Data………322
Using an XML file target………322
Building blocks for real-time jobs.323
Supplementing message data323
Branching data flow based on a data cache value…..326
Calling application functions…332
Designing real-time applications..332
Reducing queries requiring back-office application access…333
Messages from real-time jobs to adapter instances…333
Real-time service invoked by an adapter instance…..334
Chapter 14 Embedded Data Flows 335
Overview of embedded data flows……….336
Example of when to use embedded data flows…337
Creating embedded data flows….337
Using the Make Embedded Data Flow option338
Creating embedded data flows from existing flows….341
Using embedded data flows…342
Separately testing an embedded data flow….344
Troubleshooting embedded data flows……….345
Chapter 15 Variables and Parameters 347
Overview of variables and parameters….348
The Variables and Parameters window…350
To view the variables and parameters in each job, work flow, or data
Using local variables and parameters…..352
Passing values into data flows………..353
To define a local variable……..354
Defining parameters…355
Using global variables …..356
Creating global variables……..357
Viewing global variables ……..357
Setting global variable values.358
Local and global variable rules….363
Replicating jobs and work flows………363
Importing and exporting……….363
Environment variables…..364
Setting file names at run-time using variables…..364
To use a variable in a flat file name….364
Substitution parameters…366
Overview of substitution parameters..366
Using the Substitution Parameter Editor……..368
Associating a substitution parameter configuration with a system
Overriding a substitution parameter in the Administrator…….372
Executing a job with substitution parameters 373
Exporting and importing substitution parameters…….374
Chapter 16 Executing Jobs 377
Overview of job execution378
Preparing for job execution……….379
Validating jobs and job components…379
Ensuring that the Job Server is running………380
Setting job execution options.381
Executing jobs as immediate tasks………381
To execute a job as an immediate task……….381
Monitor tab ….383
Log tab ……….383
Debugging execution errors……..383
Using logs…….384
Examining target data388
Changing Job Server options……389
To change option values for an individual Job Server392
To use mapped drive names in a path………..395
Chapter 17 Data Assessment 397
Using the Data Profiler…..399
Data sources that you can profile…….400
Connecting to the profiler server……..400
Profiler statistics………402
Executing a profiler task………406
Monitoring profiler tasks using the Designer..412
Viewing the profiler results…..414
Using View Data to determine data quality……….422
Data tab……….422
Profile tab…….423
Relationship Profile or Column Profile tab…..424
Using the Validation transform…..424
Analyze column profile………..424
Defining validation rule based on column profile……..426
Using Auditing …..427
Auditing objects in a data flow428
Accessing the Audit window…433
Defining audit points, rules, and action on failure……434
Guidelines to choose audit points …..438
Auditing embedded data flows………..439
Resolving invalid audit labels.442
Viewing audit results .443
Chapter 18 Data Quality 447
Overview of data quality..448
Address Cleanse.448
How address cleanse works…449
Prepare your input data……….452
Determine which transform(s) to use.454
Identify the country of destination……458
Set up the reference files…….458
Define the standardization options…..460
Beyond the basics……461
Process Japanese addressees ………514
Supported countries (Global Address Cleanse)………526
Address Server………..529
New Zealand Certification……533
Data Cleanse…….537
What is Data Cleanse.538
Parse data……538
Prepare records for matching.540
Data parsing overview541
Parsing dictionaries….548
Dictionary entries……..552
Region-specific data…571
Japanese Data………..573
Universal Data Cleanse……….578
Rank and prioritize parsing engines…601
Prepare records for geocoding………..602
Understanding your output…..602
Matching strategies….603
Match components…..604
Match Wizard.607
Transforms for match data flows……..614
Working in the Match and Associate editors..616
Physical and logical sources..617
Match preparation……623
Match criteria..650
Post-match processing………..669
Association matching.692
Unicode matching…….693
Phonetic matching……696
Set up for match reports ……..699
Chapter 19 Design and Debug 701
Using View Where Used..702
Accessing View Where Used from the object library.703
Accessing View Where Used from the workspace…..706
Using View Data..708
Accessing View Data..709
Viewing data in the workspace………..710
View Data Properties..712
View Data tool bar options…..717
View Data tabs………..718
Using the interactive debugger….723
Before starting the interactive debugger……..723
Starting and stopping the interactive debugger……….727
Debug menu options and tool bar……738
Viewing data passed by transforms…740
Push-down optimizer..741
Comparing Objects……….742
To compare two different objects……..743
To compare two versions of the same object.744
Overview of the Difference Viewer window….744
Navigating through differences………..748
Calculating column mappings……749
To automatically calculate column mappings 750
To manually calculate column mappings …….750
Chapter 20 Exchanging Metadata 751
Metadata exchange………752
Importing metadata files into the software…..753
Exporting metadata files from the software….753
Creating SAP universes…754
To create universes using the Tools menu ….755
To create universes using the object library…755
Mappings between repository and universe metadata………..755
Attributes that support metadata exchange…757
SAP BusinessObjects Accelerator ………758
SAP BusinessObjects Accelerator Workflow.759
Modifying BWA indexes………760
Chapter 21 Recovery Mechanisms 763
Recovering from unsuccessful job execution……764
Automatically recovering jobs……765
Enabling automated recovery765
Marking recovery units………..766
Running in recovery mode…..767
Ensuring proper execution path………768
Using try/catch blocks with automatic recovery………769
Ensuring that data is not duplicated in targets………..771
Using preload SQL to allow re-executable data flows ………..772
Manually recovering jobs using status tables……774
Processing data with problems….775
Using overflow files….776
Filtering missing or bad values ……….777
Handling facts with missing dimensions………778
Chapter 22 Techniques for Capturing Changed Data 779
Understanding changed-data capture…..780
Full refresh…..780
Capturing only changes……….780
Source-based and target-based CDC781
Using CDC with Oracle sources..783
Overview of CDC for Oracle databases………783
Setting up Oracle CDC………..788
To create a CDC datastore for Oracle789
Importing CDC data from Oracle……..790
Viewing an imported CDC table………794
To configure an Oracle CDC source table……795
To create a data flow with an Oracle CDC source…..799
Maintaining CDC tables and subscriptions….800
Using CDC with Attunity mainframe sources…….802
Setting up Attunity CDC………803
Setting up the software for CDC on mainframe sources……..804
Importing mainframe CDC data……….806
Configuring a mainframe CDC source………..808
Using mainframe check-points………..810
Using CDC with Microsoft SQL Server databases ………812
Overview of CDC for SQL Server databases.812
Setting up Microsoft SQL Server for CDC……814
Setting up the software for CDC on SQL Server……..817
Importing SQL Server CDC data……..818
Configuring a SQL Server CDC source………821
Using CDC with timestamp-based sources………825
Processing timestamps……….826
Types of timestamps..838
Timestamp-based CDC examples…..840
Additional job design tips……..847
Using CDC for targets……849
Chapter 23 Monitoring Jobs 851
SNMP support…..852
About the SNMP agent………..852
Job Server, SNMP agent, and NMS application architecture.853
About SNMP Agent’s Management Information Base (MIB)..854
About an NMS application……858
Configuring the software to support an NMS application…….859
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